How to Drive Safely During the Winter: Tips from an Auto Body Shop in Melrose Park, Illinois
Whenever you drive your vehicle, there’s a risk that it could become damaged. When you introduce winter weather to the equation, this becomes even more true. As such, when driving during the winter, it’s important that you drive with caution to help protect yourself, your vehicle, and the other drivers on the road.
Are you looking for some winter driving tips? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This auto body shop in Melrose Park, Illinois is going to provide some helpful tips below.
Keep Plenty of Distance
Whether in rain, snow, or shine, you should never get too close to the vehicle in front of you. In perfect conditions, it’s wise to keep a good two or three car lengths of distance. When the roads are snowy and icy, this should be increased to three to five car lengths based on your speed.
This way, should you have to step on the brakes, you’ll have plenty of clearance with which to come to a stop. The extra distance will allow for any sliding that your car may do in the wintry conditions.
Drive Under the Speed Limit
Most speed limit signs designate maximum speeds. In other words, you don’t have to go 45 in a 45 MPH zone. In fact, when there is ice and snow on the roads, you should go well below 45 — the speed depending on the severity of the conditions. The reason for this is simple: the slower you’re going, the more easily you can regain control of your vehicle in Melrose Park, Illinois.
Clear All of the Snow and Ice from Your Vehicle
At some point during the winter, your vehicle is bound to become covered in snow and ice. If you’re in a hurry, you might be tempted to hit the road after clearing only small portions of the snow and ice. This can leave parts of your vision impaired.
Before you get on the road, it’s strongly recommended that you remove all the snow and ice from your vehicle. Make sure that there are no blind spots on your windows or mirrors, and make sure you can see clearly to avoid a visit to your local auto body shop in Melrose Park, Illinois.
Park Off the Road
Do you park your vehicle on the road often? As any auto body repair specialist in Melrose Park, Illinois knows, you will greatly increase the risk of it being hit by other vehicles when parking on the street. This is doubly true during the winter months when icy conditions can cause motorists to lose control of their vehicles and skid into parked cars.
In some situations, you might not have a choice in this matter. If you do need to park in the street, be sure to fold in your rear-view mirrors. However, if it’s between clearing out your garage or driveway and parking on the street, there’s no doubt about it: you should make the space in your garage or driveway.
Looking for the Premier Auto Body Repair Shop in Melrose Park, Illinois?
Have the winter weather conditions caused you to get in an accident that resulted in auto body damage? If so, and if you’re looking for the premier auto body repair shop in Melrose Park, Illinois, look no further than Lombard Body & Fender.
Whether you need a dent removal service, a new paint job, a part replacement, or otherwise, our auto body mechanics are the people to call. Contact us today at (630) 627-8688 to learn how we can help.